Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 3

YEAH I finally POOPED!! Sorry, but this is big news for me since I'm normally a very regular sort of a girl. If you recall I even started with Miralex on day 1 to try and prevent not getting plugged up, but looks like it still happened. A big thanks to my friend Michelle who dropped off a wonderful and yummy box of fruit yesterday!! It was perfect!!!! Another friend dropped off a big bag a carrots since she knows how I love my carrot, apple, and celery juice. Hey, what can I say my friends know me oh too well (smile). Seriously, though everyone has been so kind and considerate.

I am laughing right now because my window shade is open and my kids are out jumping on the trampoline. They just crack me up and I think when oh when will I do that again with them : ) Yet, I can say that was another deciding factor on getting this surgery done. I'd be out jumping with the kids and within 30 minutes my lovely bunion pain would always set in. Here is a silly video we put together this past summer.

Okay what else do you want to know... you know me I could ramble on about anything...

Pain: I am proud to say that I still feel NO pain or discomfort. Yesterday I started with Ibuprofen every 4 hours then went to 5 hours and then took my last dose at 8:30 and made it through the night and woke up with no increased pain/feelings. This a.m. I only took some thinking I should to help keep the swelling down. From what I can see my toes are swollen but it doesn't look to bad. I'm almost afraid to see what's under all this dressing/wrapping on Tuesday. My toes are black and blue. My big toe is really black and blue and yesterday my second toe joined the B&B party, but in a fainter color. I can't see any of the other toes do to the dressing. I'm curious to see where the act cut is and stitches are located and how sensitive that whole area will be.

Sleep: I slept fine again. The thing is I literally have not been leaving my bed or have only bed up maybe 10 to 20 minutes of the day. Otherwise I am in my bed and for some reason I'm content being in my bed resting. I did go out to the couch last night to watch Horrible Bosses just thinking the change would be good.

Ice Man: Continues to be very helpful. He cleaned the house yesterday WITH the boys. My foot is being iced as I type, he accomplished entertaining 15 boys yesterday for Riley's b-day party. He has been great as much as I like to pick on him. And tomorrow will feel weird being home alone for the first time. I will have to get the kids ready for school since Steve has to be to work early. Part of me looks forward to a totally quiet house and just being able to rest. Yet, it's nice when I get hungry just to say "STEVE..." or call one of the boys. This whole resting thing is just interesting to me, yet I wonder how I will feel in a week (Smile). I'm curious if I will be going crazy or still being content knowing it's what my body needs.

Okay my goals for today: Finish reading the book I started a few weeks back. I never got to that yesterday. AND maybe shower (smile). Oh and the big one is try and get my work laptop upstairs. For some reason I left all of my work stuff in the basement thinking "I'll just go down stairs and work if I feel up to it". Well, let's just say I have no motivation to try and walk down 8 steps and make my way back up. I figure I can just have my computer set up in the kitchen and check email a few times throughout the day tomorrow. I don't think I want it in my bed yet otherwise I won't be able to shut off from it and right now I do just want to allow myself to rest and be shut off from work if that's possible.

What else do you want to know about.... how about sex (smile). I'd be game and suggested it last night, but Mr. Ice man is afraid of hurting me right now. I told him the foot just needs to stay elevated, so come on we could be creative and have some fun, right (smile). Personally, I think he is too tired from chasing after my ass all day long. Don't worry I'll get him yet. When there is a will, there is a way.

Okay, just had to try and make you smile/laugh. I truly feel blessed that I am not feeling pain and each day really does feel better. I just have to stay in the mind frame of resting and I think I will be okay. Believe it or not I have not even thought about exercising yet, but figured I'd allow my mind to go there after my dr. appointment on Tuesday. And when I say exercise I'm talking about sitting down with my foot elevated and trying to do upper body weights/bands, some sit ups, etc... Just something to keep the blood flowing and trying to keep my body alive. I have been curious what I weigh in at these days. I normally weigh myself every day so not being able to weigh myself makes me just sort of look at myself in the a.m. and think... all is still good. I have one of those body fat scales where your bare feet need to be on the scale, so that's why I can't weigh myself. It's probably a good thing, yet I don't think I've gained any weight these past few days. I truly am feeling good, healthy, and positive - right now. Tomorrow could be a whole new day (smile).

Kids: Kids are doing great and are still happy and continue to give me big hugs and will just come and sit with me to talk about pokemon cards, toys, ask me questions about my foot.

Allie: (dog) - thinks all these pillows are for her. I gotta take a photo of her when I'm on the couch with my foot up. She thinks nothing of jumping up on me (she's 50 pounds) and then she hugs my foot and pushes it aside so she can rest her head/body on the pillows. I've had to move to the middle of my bed so she can easily jump up and down on the bed. Let's just say she continues to get her needs met.

So there you have it for Day 3. If you want to know anything else just ask and I'll tell.

Until next time - keep smiling and being positive and keep praying the pain stays away and my foot is healing as it should.


  1. This is kind of odd, but I found your blog on a bunion recovery site. You're pretty funny. I had bunion surgery on Nov 2. Your first 3 days sound a lot like mine. However, I don't know how you're already off pain killers, I was on them for over a week. I wish I could say that sleeping in the boot gets more comfortable, but it really doesn't. After a few days, I started rolling over on my side without waking up and even rolled onto my stomach one time. On my second post-surgery dr appt, she let me switch to a smaller, more comfortable split thing to sleep in. Let me know if you have any questions about the upcoming days/ weeks. Prayers your way that you don't get cabin fever near as bad as I currently have it!


  2. Jules you never seem to surprise me :)

    Love, Krissy

  3. Stephanie - thanks for your post. Anything you want to share know I'd love to hear based on your experience. I am taking things day to day because I know I will be getting cabin fever or a little depressed in the weeks ahead and not being able to leave the house, etc... I don't get why I don't feel any pain either. Unless I have a high tolerance for pain, but I don't think that's they case. I know I am babying the foot whenever I move it, etc... and I do feel tightness when I move it down to the floor, etc... but other than what I described I don't feel anything I'd consider pain. Your post is reminding me that I am going to ask to keep this shoe thing I have right now so I can continue to sleep in it. I've seen pictures of the big moon boot thing and I could not picture sleeping in that monster. So please continue to share anything you'd like on my page so I and others can continue to learn from you. Are you driving yet? If yes, when did that start and was that easy to do? Have you been able to add in more exercise yet (swimming, cycling, etc). Did you add any supplements to your diet or creams to your scar, etc Again, thanks for taking the time to write (and read my post). Julie

  4. Krissy - thanks for the smile : )

  5. Julie - you are doing terrific! I see you have the nice B&B toes, now also. Katbird left me a message that hers didn't go away for 4 weeks.

    I noticed that Angel's bunion surgery is tomorrow. I haven't seen any new posts on her blog since Saturday.

    Stephanie - several of us have blogs out there now from recent surgeries. My surgery was on Nov. 8. My blog is

    We've all been following along with each other and sharing our experiences. Glad you found us! :)

  6. Hi Julie,

    I'm finally getting caught-up reading everyone's blogs, and I had to comment on this one because I'm laughing!!!

    I didn't poop for four days!! I think I took wayyyy too many demerol (31) and phenergan (26). The nurse at the hospital warned me about constipation, and said not to eat any cheese, LOL.

    Always nice to be back to normal :)

  7. I had surgery on Wednesday & the night before I pooped but I havent pooped ever since and it been almost a week is that bad?

  8. Mina, start eating lots of high fiber items and drinking lots of water. Call your doctor if you are concerned.
