Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 10

Gosh, Am I already on Day 10! Wow, I gotta say the time has gone by quickly, yet I know I have lots of days ahead of me too. Oh these lovely stairs in my house. And yes when we bought the house we actually tore out the normal stair case that was there and added these nice hard, thick, log stairs. Do you know where I am going with this yet? Well, let's just say I'm sick of climbing the stairs to take a bath as well as the couple of nights I put the kids to bed. I try to be very careful... good foot, then bad foot.. good foot, then bad foot. Well twice now I've nailed my surgery shoe on a step and I felt the wonderful sensation go from the tip of my toe up to my ankle. And all I could think was what if I didn't have this shoe on! OUCH!!! Moral of the story! Wear your surgery shoe or boot at all times. I read a story where a patient asked her doctor why she had to wear the boot when she is out and about versus wearing normal shoes and her doctor said "because then people won't step on your toe/feet. When you don't have the boot on you look like nothing is wrong. When you have the boot on people will notice it and will be more careful around you. Then he added if someone was to step on your toe right now. You'd have a broken toe!! And I gotta admit you never stop to think about how many times in a day one stubs their toe/shoe. I know I do it all the time without even thinking about it.
I am proud of Steve for getting out and getting a tree with the boys. One word for Steve today "HUNG OVER". He took a taxi home last night and let's just say at 3:36 a.m. the dog jumped over my foot to greet Steve! And I've had that man stink in my house all day! But I've also had a resting/ napping buddy too so that was sort of nice. The kids have been pretty much on their own today.

Yesterday, my wonderful friend Karen took the kids during the day. I was able to get my workout in which consisted of legs and back, yet the leg portion I had to make some adjustments, but all the back stuff I could do. I also took a bath which now I feel like I'm a pro at that process minus climbing the steps!! I ended up canceling the sitter and things were fine. We had dinner and then watched Annie and the kids LOVED it which I was surprised. I started reading Eckhart Tolle "Oneness With All Life" and do enjoy his work. I have such a busy mind so I enjoy reading about his theories and trying to practice them too. I go in streaks with all of this, but right now I think it's a good time to have a quiet mind and just accept things for the way they are and realize there is no right or wrong!! I read New Earth and the Power of Now back when Oprah was doing that as a book club.

On the tree front it will be interesting to see how long it takes to get it decorated. I don't know if I can even watch the process unfold (smile). I love the smell of pine, yet I can't stand all the dropping needles, etc.. And this year Steve will have to be the one bending down to keep that baby's thirst quenched. Last year we bought too big of a tree and one day I was working in the basement and I heard this loud bang. When I went upstairs the tree had completely fell over and it was not a pretty site! Lesson learned: always tied your tree to something!!

Tomorrow I will be working probably 1/2 the day. I have teleconferences at 9:30, 10:30, and 12:00 so hopefully no one on the other end can tell they are talking to an injured person. I brought up my work phone and put my work computer out in the kitchen. I plan to put up my foot up, yet I can already tell I will not be very comfortable since my leg will be out to the side of my desk. I'll take it day to day. Tuesday I only have one meeting so that will be better. I also will be on kid/bus duty starting at 6:30 a.m., so my a.m. will be busy.
My room has become the center of a "play room" and there are times I just have to say "everyone out" and the boys will be like "Why" and "all I can say is "I need peace and quiet" or I will say "all that's allowed in here is hugs and love" because not a moment can go by when someone isn't pushing on the other. Not that the peace goes away because I can still hear everything echo through the house, but the kids have been very cute coming and hanging with me throughout the day and I find they listen to me much better - Go Figure.

Take this a.m. Steve and I are sleeping. I hear Anton yell "Hey Riley, come wipe my butt" (Anton can wipe his own butt, but he is trying to bug Riley). Riley's reply is "No way that is EVER going to happen". Then me yelling "Anton, what's up do you need toilet paper?". Anton "I need Riley to wipe my butt because I just pooped". Me: "Riley go check to see if he needs something" Riley "Yeah, he needs some toilet paper". Me: "Get him some" Riley: "there still is a square left for him to use". And at this point I think whatever... I just gotta stay out of this one. But it's like really just get your brother a new roll of toilet paper!! They worked it out some how!

Today I've been a little more mellow. There's just been a lot of action going on in the house ever since Wednesday afternoon and everyone being home. It's been a blessing, but it's also tiring. I didn't work out today, yet I don't feel bad about it. I am hoping to do the shoulder and chest P90x tomorrow, but I don't know how realistic that is either. I'm thinking if I do it as soon as the kids get on the bus then I will be good, but it depends on how much I'm on my feet starting at 6:30 and how crazy the a.m. is.

Okay - so Tuesday is the day the stitches come out. Now will that hurt or no? I hope my doctor was serious when he said I will be able to drive starting on Tuesday!! Not sure where I'll go, but I like knowing the option is there if needed. I have a Dentist appointment early on Friday, so it's good to know I don't have to cancel that one even though it's just the normal 6 month checkup/cleaning.

I was happy to read that Sarah - another blogger wrote that she is in her 9th week and she is back to all normal activities except running and she even mentioned that there is times she has forgotten she has had this surgery!! She feels no bunion pain anymore!!

Keep in mind even though I did not experience a lot of pain over the last 10 days I think many people do feel pain. Everyone's procedure is different and don't let it get you down if your in pain the first week. It's normal considering what is being done to your foot/feet.

Okay, I think that's all I have for today!! Joe, good luck on Wednesday and I'd love to hear how it all goes for you!

p.s. Steve read my post and then said "oh shit I forgot to water the tree". He is half asleep right now and I said "Steve did you water the tree" and he said "can you send me an email and I'll do it in the morning". So guess who is going to go wobble out and crawl under the tree!!! Me. : )


  1. I need to find a place that takes care of bunions in Elmhurst, IL... I hate mine! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  2. Thanks for sharing such useful information. I think this is really a very nice post. Thanks for the greatcontent!
