Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 13 - Set up Bunion Surgery Recovery Chat, Q&A, and Connection page

I know this is totally geeky, but what I find from doing this blog is I'd love more interaction from all of you. So I set up this facebook page where I'm hoping you can share your stories, questions, opinions, photos, etc...

I'll put this out there for while and see if I get any traffic. If it's not successful oh well I'll just delete it.

I'm not sure if I set this up right, so can you go out and either click like or join as a friend and provide some feedback so I know it worked.

Again, just thought it would be nice for all of you to hear more than my story and to connect with others that are having surgery on the same day as yours or close to it.

Let me know your thoughts. Have I gone completely crazy : ) I will admit I'm a little embarrassed setting this page up, yet if it can help others out there so be it.

Enjoy your day


  1. I love the facebook! I will post some pictures on it soon. I am glad to hear you are doing well!! Your foot looks great!! =)

  2. I think it's a great idea, too. Will be interesting to see if anyone notices it. It's a big FB world out there!

  3. Yeah, I'm curious too! Time will tell. Yet, there is always new bunions growing as sick as that sounds : ) I just don't know how many people would think to search for bunions on FB.

  4. Part 1A from Donna:

    Hi Julie, I have not been successful getting Part 1 to post. Here is the beginning of Part 1, which I will call Part 1A. I have enjoyed reading your blog and Deb's blog. I can guarantee that you are helping a lot of people. I wish that I were able to read your posts before my surgery in March 2011. I don't have a Facebook account, so I am posting about my surgery on your blog. I have bunions on both feet, much worse than yours. I had a Lapidus fusion and bunionectomy on my right foot. My doctor only does 1 foot at a time and requires 1-year recovery time between surgeries before he will operate on my left foot--I think that Deb is a brave woman to do both feet at once!

    I don't remember the brand name of my walking cast boot, but it looked like this Tall Swede-O Walking Cast Boot:

    If this entry is posted, then I will try to post Part 1B next to finish my story.

    - Donna

  5. Part 1B from Donna:

    Before the surgery, my doctor advised me to get a knee scooter (aka knee walker or roll-about), and I think that was the best advice that I received or that I can give to anyone considering bunion surgery. The doctor wanted me to be strictly non-weight bearing for the first 6 weeks, and the only other option was crutches--ugh. It was cheaper to buy a used scooter from a medical supply rental company then to rent for 6 weeks. I paid $200, but you can sometimes buy nice used knee scooters on Craigslist for $50-$100 dollars. This was a personal expense, as my medical insurance covers crutches but not knee walkers. I will keep for it for a year to see if I do the other foot, then donate it to a non-profit group that provides medical equipment to those in need.

    On the day of surgery, my check-in, pre-op, and recovery at the hospital were as others have described, with the exception that my foot was cleansed and disinfected in the surgical suite by the surgical team after I was asleep. My first 72 hours of post-surgery recovery at home were also as others have described. I took Colace capsules and fiber tablets regularly, starting immediately post surgery, to try to avert the constipation of the pain medication.

    Also, I started the pain medication immediately post surgery. It was prescribed as 1-2 tablets every 4 hours as needed for pain, so I started with 1 tablet every 4 hours, although I didn’t really need it the first day. Pain was intense on Days 2 and 3, after the surgical bloke wore off, and then 1 tablet every 4 hours wasn’t enough. Instead of increasing the pain medication to 2 tablets every 4 hours as directed, I took 1 tablet every 2 hours, producing a more constant level of pain medication in my blood stream. This dosing regimen didn’t cause the drowsiness and queasiness that I got when I took 2 tablets taken at the same time, and the pain never came back between doses. People who have just had surgery should try this dosing trick. I stopped the pain meds on Day 4. I didn’t even need Alleve.

    I was not allowed to go up-and-down stairs for 6 week, so I took up residence on the foldout couch in our basement rumpus room. It has direct access from the driveway, and it has a bathroom with shower, in other words, heaven on earth for a post-op patient. We have a large flat screen TV in the rumpus room, and my husband installed NetFlix, Comcast, and Apply TV. I spent my days watching old movies, Rachel Ray, The View, The Talk, and Oprah, while I worked from home on my laptop. Whew! End of Part 1. Parts 2 & 3 were published on Dec 1 (DAY 14) -- Donna

  6. Thank you so much for your blog. I do not have bunions but Im having surgery on august 29th to correct a malunion of the 5th metatarsal. I broke 20 years ago when I was 16 and guess it never healed right and is now causing problems. So I am so scared to have surgery. I really really appreciated your entire blog!

  7. Very useful and so peaceful blog for us. Such a good work and so good write up.

  8. Hi is the facebook page still up?
