Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 8

Look who just got home. Again, this photo should be at the end of the message, so it will make sense if you choose to read this post.
This photo was also suppose to show up at the end of my message not here. I have yet to figure out how to get photos to appear where I'd like them in these posts. When I go to attach a photo it always posts it to the top of the page versus within the text. This photo was just suppose to show you how I've been hanging out with the kids in my bed playing computer games. I can't keep up with all the excitement in my life these days (smile)
Three years ago today I lost my father. The two pictures below were taken two days before he died. I had the whole family over to my house to celebrate Riley's 5th b-day. It was a really nice day, yet had I known that was the last time I would have seen him... boy the things I would have taken the time to say to him that day instead of assuming it was like every other day we said good bye to each other.
I am at peace with thing now, but every day he is in my thoughts and I miss him dearly. I believe he continues to look out for me and he does continue to visit me in my dreams which I love. Sorry just needed to acknowledge him today.
My last photo of my dad and I. 11.23.2008
Whenever I think of my dad I always think of my dear friend Joyce. She was one of my best friend's/college roommate. I lost her a few months after I lost my dad. Love your parents and family/friends because you truly do not know when it will be the last time you see someone.
Okay sorry for getting sort of morbid on you.

Alright on to happier updates:
  • Steve is out enjoying a long bike ride. I think it's like 50 degrees here in Wisconsin.
  • I just got done doing P90x. Today was shoulders, triceps, and biceps. I also did abs. I stood the whole time and I didn't feel any pain in my bad foot. I put my body weight on my heal and outside of my foot. What I find interesting is if I sit normal in a chair. My foot starts to throb, but I can stand and it doesn't seem to bother me. I'm icing my foot right now and I continue to be good about icing it every 2 to 3 hours.
  • Still no pain last night or today.
  • Yesterday late afternoon when I had the house to myself I ventured upstairs and took a bath. It all worked well, but keep in mind I am 5'9 and 3/4ths, so our standard bath tub isn't the most comfortable for my long ass legs. I kept my bad foot rested on the top of the tub and NOTHING got wet. I was able to also turn on the hand held shower and wash my hair and rise off when needed. So that is how I will plan to stay clean until I can stand in the shower. And yes, today I finally did find some time to do some much needed body grooming, so I am feeling human again. Sorry Mr. Camera man wasn't around for my bath or grooming. Now those could have been some interesting photos.
Normally this weekend we'd go out and cut down our x-mas tree, yet I don't know if I'm ready for all of that to happen. Obviously, I wouldn't go along for the tree cutting, but I'm thinking about the bins of x-mas decorations and that's what I'm not sure I want to deal with right now.
Today has been all about hanging with the kids and I'm looking forward to Steve getting home soon because I might be reaching my "quality family time limit" : ) . The kids have been great, but they have had their little moments. I think it's good they will get out of the house more tomorrow.

If your just doing research on bunions my suggestion would be to keep reading different sites and blogs. You will quickly see how everyone's experience is different. What I found to be the best for me though was getting a hold of actual referrals from my doctor. At first I was told they couldn't get referrals because of patient confidentiality. When I pushed to get referrals then the nurse said she'd send some patients a letter and ask if they'd be open to being a referral and if yes, then she'd have to send them another letter to sign. I told her ideally I'd like to talk with someone that just got the surgery done, someone that is past the recovery period, and someone in the recovery process. The nurse was able to get a hold of 4 patients for me to speak with and I found that to be so helpful and I gained the confidence I needed in my cute Dr. (smile).

Also, when in conversion with friends, etc.. I'd just mention I'm thinking about having Bunion surgery and asked them if they knew of others that had it done and there too I was able to connect with a few other people. Just know everyone is going to have their opinions so you have to do what is best for you. I personally am glad I did not put off doing this surgery.

It's probably to early for me to say this, but so far I have not found this to be a painful process just more of an inconvenience and sort of boring to have to rest so much. Deep down I just pray that the surgery was successful meaning the pain is gone and that I won't know about for weeks/months ahead.

Last night Steve and I watched Bad Teacher. Tonight I have The life of a Tree's. That might not be the right title, but it's a Brad Pitt film. If you've watched any good movies please let me know. The other night we watched Days/Nights - Tom Cruise movie. I watched bridemaids and thought that was funny too.

I think Steve's 2 hour bike ride is turning into a 3 hour bike ride. This is also normal for him to say "oh I'm just going out for 2 hours" and then he shows up 4 hours later and says "what, I got a little lost or I got a flat tire". He did say he is going to clean the house when he returns, so as long as that happens I don't mind him being out a little long than normal.

The kids are sitting on the bed with me right now. Anton is on our iPad playing some Math computer game with a rocket and Riely is on a different laptop playing a ninago lego game.

Well, I hope your having a good Friday. For those of you who went out shopping last night in the middle of the night - your crazy (smile). I'm just not a shopper so I just can't wrap my head around the whole experience, but if you had fun that's all that matters.

Okay get out and do something active for me today.

Curious: When one's foot is in a walking boot. Is your foot still wrapped in a bandage? This bandage is driving me nuts how it keeps getting loose by my heal and I have to keep rewrapping it. This is an on-going activity. I look forward when this bandage is no longer needed.


  1. Glad you are continuing to do so well and enjoying most of your time being laid up. Wait to you catch up with my blog and see what I've been up to - LOL!

    Regarding the walking boot. As you know I've been in them since day one. My feet were only bandaged for one week, then the stitches were removed and replaced with steristrips (sp?). At that point I was allowed to wear socks, which I have been wearing since. I would bet when you get your stitches out, you will be able to go without the bandages if you want. :)

  2. I'm glad you are doing so well. But then again, I knew you were going to do great with this. I think of your dad often too. It is wierd looking at those pictures and how one just doesn't know what may happen the next day. Love you.

  3. I have also been in the walking boot since day 1. I was in wrapping til the 2nd post op appt. After that I was told to put a bandaid over the incision, but was able to put a sock on with that. I don't think I have stitches, none have been removed. Weird?

    I had my 3rd post op appt today. Surgery was almost a month ago. My dr. looked at an x ray and decided that my foot is still healing and I will remain in the boot for another two weeks. Two weeks ago, she gave me toe exercises to do and I guess I didn't do them correctly or enough because she pushed my toe forward to the point where I thought I might puke. Now I'm being sent to physical therapy. Why is it important that my toe moves anyway? I was instructed to now start using Mederma on my scar to start loosening up the skin. Also, I no longer have to bandaid my foot unless I want.

    I did take a shower this weekend. I'm a standing woman! Still can't walk on my foot without my boot on, only balance on it (normally the opposite side of my foot with very little weight put on it.) I have got very good at hopping on one foot though :) Funny how I'm too lazy early in the morning to put my boot on to go to to the bathroom, but not too lazy to hop on one foot...

    I talked to the dr. about the pain and she said it was just the bones healing and that it will be sore with periods of sharp pain. The bottom of my foot, the ball of my foot, under the big toe is pretty swollen after a day of being up and about. After a few days up and around, I still need a day of rest. I have a feeling it'll be like that for months, even after I'm back to normal. I tried to the gym, but apparently I'm not allowed in there while still in a boot :(

    I don't know if this means anything, but my surgery was called Austin bunionectomy.

    Glad to see you're doing well. Sorry about your day 11 lapse. Don't over do it, it's still healing. I was actually told during the first week if I fell at all that I have to go into her office immediately because I could have moved the screws.


  4. What do you mean you didn't have stiches? I have to go back and look at your feet. How did they close where they operated? Very interesting.

    I do think it's good you get full range of motion back in your toe so you don't have any issues down the road. Not sure what issues you'd run into yet if you can get the motion back then keep doing your exercises and go to PT even though it will hurt.

    I'm curious to try standing barefoot. With my bandage on if I'm careful I can stand on it. I just haven't really tried doing much without my surgery shoe on in fear of hurting myself. Don't you wonder how much stronger the other foot is getting by picking up the slack of the bad foot. I've hopped around too.

    I hope your right regarding the pain being the bones healing. I've had the same thought and was going to ask my doctor today if the pain is from over doing it or from the bone going through the healing process.

    My doctor seems more laid back. He just doesn't seem worried about anything. I'll have to look up Austin bunionectomy.

    Interesting with not being able to go to the health club with the boot. Makes sense. I had asked my yoga teacher if she thinks it would be possible for me to do yoga with a boot on and she said yes, I think it would also help in the healing process since it's hot yoga. not sure if I will try it or not. Now you got me wondering if I can return to my club with the boot on or not. Hopefully in two weeks you will be in shoes.

    Is your dad recovering well too?

    And yippee for the shower!! I was hoping I could do that today, but your at a month. I'll have to see what Mr. Doctor says. I really think I could stand on my foot but maybe I'm way off on that.

    Okay - always great to hear from you Stephanie.
