Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 12 - 2nd Post Op Visit (Photo Gallery - Stitches Out)

Big Day
Stiches come out and New X-Rays are taken
Foot at 12 days post surgery
I know the toes look bad but look at how good the overall foot looks!
Removing the stitches. A little tug and they were out - not painful
Stitches are OUT!! Foot look all wrinkly from bandage
Applying safety strips. Will come off naturally over the next week or two
Foot to foot comparison - who beat up those toes!!
The patient!
Left side (before)
Right side (after) - see the two pins under my joint?
Cute doctor in action - had to take this one for all of you!!
Side view - see the two pins! Bone is healing great. Doc said he can barely see the cut in the bone. He again just mentioned what strong bone mass I had which helps in the healing process.
Lovely toe spacer. Where the black line is on my toe and where the dots are on the tape is where I need to hold my hands to do my toe exercises. 8x per day 30 seconds up and 30 seconds bending down. It's important to hold your foot where the pins are and then on the joint that needs to be worked. Don't hold the tip of your toe. Work the joint.
Yes, I am a geek and asked him to put these marks on my foot so I don't screw up!
My new walking shoe! Looks like and feels like a ski boot!!
Updates of the visit:
  • He said my healing is more at the 4 to 5 weeks healing process which thrilled me
  • I can shower and stand on my foot
  • I can drive with my surgery shoe not the ski boot
  • I still should have my foot up, but I don't have to always have it elevated and iced (only do these things when I have over done it or my foot is throbbing.
  • I should still wait 3 weeks until I start physical exercise
  • I did over do it and that's why I've experienced pain the last two nights in the middle of the night. He suggested I do ice before bed until I have a pain free night again. Last night I needed Steve to get me ice at 2:30 and then I was fine. The pain wasn't as bad as the night before.
  • I go back 3 weeks from today for more x-rays and confirm all continues to go good.
  • I do not need to wrap my feet anymore. I can be in my bed barefoot and just wear a sock in the walking boot.
So all and all it was a great visit and he was full of good news. Now I have to keep myself in check and not over do it even though I feel so good/strong. Just think maybe by the New Year I will be given free range to do whatever I want! That's my light at the end of the tunnel! What a way to ring in the New Year - 2012!!

Joe - if you read this today! Good Luck tomorrow!!


  1. Thanks! You look to be healing quite well. Been Following your daily posts---Hope that I do as well as you! My wife will be off work Wed thru Sunday. After that I am by myself in the daytime. I'm retired so I don't have to rush back to work. I'm 58 & not in shape like you but I gueass I'll just hope for the best. Thanks & good luck. I'll be following your posts.


  2. Joe, Thanks for your message. Over the next 5 days just ask your wife to please try to ice your foot on the hour every hour during the day. Also elevate your foot as much as possible. I had my foot above my heart up until last night. I know I'm not telling you anything you don't know, but I just think the Ice and Elevation is key the first few days. Please write and let me/us know how your doing. I think the more people that can share their experiences helps everyone. I'll be thinking about you throughout the day and hope all goes as planned.

    Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (R.I.C.E.) - is Key!!

    Thanks again for checking in on my daily and for writing.

    Surrender my friend (smile)

  3. Julie - your foot looks terrific! I don't see any swelling at all in your photos. Is it swollen? Your Ice Man seems to have done a mighty find job! LOL! You keep it up and your recovery will pass me up. :)

    I see you have a spacer like Sara got and are already doing some exercises. Funny how all the doctors are slightly different in their after surgery treatment plan. I have no spacer and was told to not exercise my feet, but to just let them continue healing still. :/

    By the way, I love your white "ski boot"!

  4. I sort of think just my toes are still a little swollen or my eyes just go to them because they look so ugly. I don't have pretty toes to start with but the coloration isn't helping either!! Today my foot looked a little more swollen then yesterday, but overall I don't think there is much there. When he was looking at my X-Ray he pointed to a small gap and said "that's just showing there's a little bit of swelling there". I was thinking the same thing I think every doctor has their approach at what they find to be successful. I think Sara also had the bandage and toe spacer after her stitches were removed. He didn't even wrap my foot or anything. Which I can say I am loving laying around barefoot today!!. Same thing on the driving front. I can say I am glad I got a surgery shoe versus the big boot right away. It seems most others don't get permission until 4 to 5 weeks to drive, but they also just have a boot. The shoe is light and easy to move. The boot is bulky, yet I can say my foot feels safe in it. I didn't wear it today, but when I leave the house that's what will be on my foot. The doctor gave me the option to just stick with the surgery shoe, but he said if you want to be completely safe when your out and about then also take the boot. I do get the feeling my doctor and his nurse are a little bit on the laid back side which I do like too. Yet, I think it's good your doctor is setting you up with PT right away. My gut tells me he will only recommend that if for some reason my toe isn't progressing like it should. I am thankful for Ice Man now that I look back on things (smile).

    I will go check your post. I'm curious how your 1/2 day in the office went.
