Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 11

Well last night I had my worst night in the 11 days that I've been going through this recovery process. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to water the x-mas tree. With my luck the water sprout for the tree holder was in the back of the tree, so I decided to just pour the water from the front versus really crawling under the tree. Let's just say by my fourth pitcher of water (and forth trip back and forth from the kitchen) all of sudden the water starts overflowing over the sprout and getting ALL over the floor. Well my natural reaction was to lunge forward to stop the water from going down the heating vents, etc.. And with that lunge forward let's just say I could feel that I bent my bad foot more than I probably should be at this point. I wasn't in PAIN, but I got a signal that I bent my toe. Well after I cleaned up the mess I then realized it was recycling and garbage day today, so I had to go throughout the house... up the lovely wood steps and down, down into the basement and back up and just empty all the trash in the house. Then I noticed the kids didn't get their school stuff ready like I asked them to do so I spent some time getting their jackets, back packs, etc... ready for this a.m. So figure I was probably busy on my feet a good 30-40 minutes from watering the tree to making all the trips out to the garage with recycling and trash. I got to bed around 10:00 and I did think I should ice my foot, yet I was so tired and just wanted to get in bed. And I probably should also add that I haven't used my crutches since Tuesday, so I've been pretty much walking slowly with my surgery shoe.

Well around 12:00 AM I woke up because I felt like my foot was on fire and it was throbbing bad. I wasn't in OMG PAIN, but it was unpleasant. I remembered I put the Ibuprofen out in the kitchen cabinet so I hobbled out and got 3 tablets. Then I returned to bed and did fall back to sleep. At 3:00 AM I woke again with what I would describe as feeling like I had 3 bricks tied to my foot. The burning and throbbing pain were back. I tried to lift my leg but realized I really couldn't move it or my foot. I just laid in bed quietly thinking since I knew I really should not take more Ibuprofen for another hour. My foot felt broken for the first time since it has been broken just because I literally could not move it. At 4:09 I tried to sit up and pick up my foot to move it to the ground so I could go get more Ibuprofen. And at that point I could't do that either and I had a striking sensation go up my leg/foot when I tried to move it. I simply said "Steve I need you to go get me Ibuprofen and ice" and bless him he hopped right up and got me what I needed. I was in too much pain to take off my surgery shoe so I just had Steve open the straps and place the ice bag on top of my foot that way. Amazing enough the Ibuprofen kicked in quickly and by 4:30 I was able to move my foot. When Steve got up at 5:00 I asked him to please wrap my foot in ice normal now that I could take off the shoe and he did. I laid in bed until 6:30 until my alarm went off and to my surprise I could move my leg and foot like normal. The difference is today when I got up I reached for my crutches!!! And plan to use them throughout the day today. Our bodies are crazy regarding how they can communicate to us. I have not had to take any more Ibuprofen today. I was going to take some again at 8:00 a.m., but since I wasn't in any pain I didn't. I have been icing my foot religiously again today. Besides being up before bedtime I really spent most of the day in bed yesterday. So it's crazy how the little things can just set something off. I have a feeling this is how it's going to be over the next few weeks. Really good days and then much needed rest days.

My 10:30 meeting got canceled and I ended up calling my teammate and asking him to lead the meeting at 9:30. I was so tired at 9:00 a.m. and just needed to rest. I was up with the boys starting at 6:30 and got them out the door by 7:40. Of course the boys had to have a big break down over trading pokemon cards. Riley wanted a card back that he had given to Anton and Anton said "no" and Riley thought he could just rip the card out of Anton's hands. The joy of parenthood : ) I had started checking work email and started on my to do's around 7:30 and put in a little over an hour but my foot was throbbing, so I iced it and then got extremely exhausted. I set my alarm for 11:00 a.m. so I'd be ready for my 12:00 meeting. I naturally woke up around 10:45 and got myself some juice and then iced my foot prior to my 12:00 meeting.

My 12:00 meeting confirmed that I need to move my work stuff back to the bedroom. So my meeting tomorrow will be done from my bed! I never thought I would be literally confined to my bed. It's now where I sleep, eat, work, and anything else you can think of! How much longer does this go on? (smile). BUT tomorrow I might get to drive!!! Yippee! Don't worry I doubt I will go anywhere.

What I hate about laying around all day is sure I could take another nap, but then I won't sleep so well tonight, so I never know how much I should be napping or not. I'm tempted to go do the shoulder and chest video yet deep down I think I should just wait until I get my walking boot. I'm assuming that boot might be more stable and offer more support. And considering my night last night I probably should just hang loose and relax.

I'm thinking at some point I have to make my way back up those stairs for a bath and I probably should do it before the kids come home.

Wish me luck on getting my stitches out tomorrow!! Hopefully I remember my camera and I'll have some actual feet photos for you tomorrow!!

Also it drives me nuts how the time that shows when this is posted is wrong. I think it's off by 4 hours or so too. Have I mentioned I'm a time freak : ) Again, this is why Eckhart Tolle is good for me.

Until then - keep smiling and feeling good,


  1. Bummer on doing too much yesterday. Yes, I've run into the same thing, but luckily not as bad as you. I only had that one bad night after I stretched my foot funny and got that "zinger". At that point I wasn't taking anything at night. Ever since then I've been taking one Aleve at night before bed as it just helps relax my overall muscle aches, not just my feet.

    I've been meaning to tell you how to fix your posting time stamp. From your Dashboard page, select Settings. Then from the Settings tab, select the Formatting tab. There is a Time Zone option and I have a feeling yours is not set on CST - mine wasn't either. Just select Central Time, click Save Settings at the bottom of the page, and you should be good to go.

    Good luck with the stitches removal, new boot and driving opportunity. The stitches take a couple of tugging snips at the knot and then they're done. It was uncomfortable, but not unbearable and I thought there'd be more to it than there was. Looking forward to the photos!

  2. Thanks Deb. I think I fixed the time issue : )
