Friday, December 16, 2011

4 Weeks (photo & video)

Yesterday marked four weeks since I had my surgery.  Tomorrow will be one month on the calendar.  Not much has changed since my last post of pics and video.  Here are some 4 week photos and videos.  First photo is just a comparison of my two feet.  Notice no more black and blue toes or foot!  Yippee!  The right foot is the foot I had done.  I don't recall my big toe being so far over in the past but who knows maybe it was and I didn't notice it because I used to focus on my bunion.  The second photo is just a close up of my scar at 4 weeks.  It has not itched or peeled yet.  I have been putting vaseline around it the last week to help loosen up the skin and I did just buy some Vitamin E oil and started applying that to the scar as of last night.
Not much has changed in these videos since the last one yet I thought I'd show you two videos at 4 weeks.  One a front on view and one me bending my toe (s) by themselves.

Other things I've been up to...

  • Walked a mile or more yesterday outside with the air cast and felt great
  • Went to the health club this a.m. and walked the track (10 minutes) plus did TRX by myself for a good 30 minutes and then walked Allie outside for about 10 minutes.  I plan to go to a 45-60 minute TRX class tomorrow at 7:00 a.s..  I wore my air cast the whole time while exercising and plan to keep doing that I'd think for the next week or so just to be safe.
  • Worked my first 40 hour work week and my foot really did not bother me at all.  Keep in mind I work from home so I'm at a desk, on the phone, etc... not on my feet a lot or walking from one meeting to the next.  I totally forgot about my foot so there was no icing, elevating, toe exercises, etc...  which at some point life carries on and the foot will continue to heal on it's own, right?
  • Went to a friends party last night and stood for a good 4 hours and again I didn't feel any pain, but was conscious of me standing so long, but no increased pain.  Foot was a little more puffy when I went to bed.  I wore the surgery shoe to the party.
  • Weight wise I'm still doing good.  Down about 1 1/2 pounds from four weeks ago, but I still feel strong and I'm happy I've been doing weight training this past month.
  • I plan to have a mellow weekend and rest.  I will exercise, probably clean, and then try and lay around.
  • Next milestone - doctors visit on Tuesday, Dec. 20th.  New X-Rays and 3rd post op visit. 


  1. Julie,

    I am looking forward to hearing what your doctor has to say about your big toe appearing to be creeping more towards the other toes than it did in your "before" picture. I pulled your before picture and your latest picture up side by side and I do think that you are correct. After my popping noise and my toe leaning that way a bit, I went back to the doctor and he gave me a night splint that he wanted me to wear for two weeks while everything is healing and getting used to new positions. I hope your x-rays don't show any negative changes in the joint.

    Good luck and I can't wait for your update!

  2. Hi Julie,

    You and I had our surgeries almost at the same time. I think I had mine just four days after you did (11/22). I was wondering if you have a limp when you walk at all. I still do. :( My four week post-op is tomorrow. We'll see how that goes....

  3. Angel102008,

    I had my surgery on 11/21. I had an Austin Bunionectomy. Are you still wearing your boot when you walk? I assume you probably are since I am still wearing mine...and I definitely limp when I walk in my boot. In fact, my foot rolls onto the outside edge of the foot when I am walking...I'm still not really able to rock my weight straight forward in the boot. I was wondering if this was abnormal since I am four weeks out now.


  4. Melinda - all went well today. Dr. had no concerns with the bent toe. He said it is normal and everyone will experience some degree of the toe bending. That's good you got a night split. Thanks for your comments.

    Michelle, when I'm in my socks and barefoot I can walk normal but I have to go SLOW and think about what I'm doing. During the day and at night it's easier for me compared to when I first get out of bed. Normally, I've been wearing the surgery shoe and then yes I have to limp along just because the shoe doesn't bend. I'm going to try and be in my socks or barefoot more and walk normal since that's what the doctor told me to do today since my bone has healed. See my post from today. But yes, I do still have a slight limp when I walk and can't just walk without thinking. Not sure if that makes sense. We are all so different so don't get discouraged! You had two procedures done. I only had one. Your doing great! Think about where you were on day one and the pain you felt and how you couldn't walk at all! Stay positive! Keep me posted how your appointment goes tomorrow!

  5. I am getting mine done soon and I was just wondering what kind of cast you will get right after you get the surgery done.?

    1. I had an aircast - so I could clean my foot. Julie
